Saturday, July 23, 2011

Dream it, Speak it, Write it, LIVE IT

“Dream it, Speak it, Write it, Live it”.  This is the motto that someone I have grown to deeply admire lives by.  But above all, she teaches the importance of LIVING IN PEACE.  Have you ever paused to think about what it means to truly live in place of PEACE?  This is more than just a word, and more than just a state of mind, but instead it is a matter and state of EXISTING!

CarolLee Miles teaches that God desires for us to find peace, and HE is the ultimate source of that peace.  CarolLee is a kind hearted person who LOVES people.  After years of experience of being a professional certified tour guide CarolLee began to consider how SHE could help others.  Carol Lee decided to write a book, to help anyone who wants to learn how they can GET PAID TO CRUISE.  I admire CarolLee and am so thankful to God that he has brought me the opportunity to meet personally such an amazing person.  

CarolLee considers it of great importance to remain professional but what I admire most is there is no hesitation for her to share about God and what HIS importance in her life is, even in those “professional moments”.  She truly has God’s PEACE in her life and she shows that to those around her.  So while I had the opportunity today to learn about “Getting Paid to Cruise: secrets from a professional cruise guide”, and I did LEARN A LOT of valuable information on how to GET PAID TO CRUISE, I was blessed in far greater ways then I could have anticipated.  I was reminded once again of the Peace that GOD brings into our lives, and reminded how accessible that PEACE can be, even in times of turmoil or when life isn’t all “sunshine and roses”.  This is important because when you are around a group of people, if your heart is full of optimism and peace in any situation that optimism and peace is translated and felt by EVERYONE around. 

Just as one negative view or thought can penetrate the hearts, feelings and emotions of a group of people, an optimistic and peaceful voice can raise above the crashing waves and drowning storms.  Shining HIS light into the hearts of those trembling and broken.  It is this PEACE and optimism that can get you through even the toughest situations, and when you are dealing with a group of people, especially a group of people cruising far away from the comforts and familiarity of home, this PEACE and optimism is key to breaking through the cycle of fear, anger or blame that occur when unpreventable situations arise.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Zamzuu of the Rockies: Keeping Kids Safe One Informed Adult at a Time

This weekend the ZamZuu of the Rockies family took the opportunity they were given to run a booth at the 40th Annual Capital Hill People’s Fair in Denver Colorado.    We were excited knowing that on average 340,000 people flock to the fair every year!  We knew that this was going to be a great opportunity to get the word out about KidZafe (an amazing tool that helps us protect our children) and to gather contacts of interested parties to get word out to them when we have KidZafe programs and events!

The Weekend was long and hot but SOOO MUCH FUN!  We look forward to the growing opportunities to share with concerned parents, teachers, police officers, and any other concerned citizens how ZamZuu in conjunction with KidZafe is working to protect the WORLDS children from online predators, sexters, and bullies!  While we may not be able to save the world, we are doing everything we can one informed adult, and one protected child at a time.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

ZamZuu dean visits the Rockies

As we have hoped for with the excitement about the ZamZuu of the Rockies center and what is going on with ZamZuu in Colorado specifically, our news has reached the ears of some executive members of the company.  One of our AMAZING Colorado Directors, Karen Bomm, was asked by our Dean Chris Cokely when he could come to Colorado!  With that, the decision has been made and Chris has agreed not only to come and speak in Colorado but to speak with us on TWO separate evenings, at TWO separate locations!

Tuesday March 8, Chris Cokely will come to the ZamZuu of the Rockies center to speak directly to those of us ALREADY in this business. This will be an amazing chance for people who are 
already in ZamZuu to come and learn from OUR dean.

Then, giving us one more night, Wednesday March 9, Chris will speak again to an open audience of both guests and current free agents, brokers and reps of this company.  How great is it that we are given the opportunity to bring guests to listen to Chris Cokely about the opportunities our company provides!

Space is limited for both nights, so watch for the event link on to register and pay for this exciting opportunity.

For more information check out our website and contact us!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Upcoming parties!

In the coming weeks the calender is filling up and the activity is exciting!  We have already scheduled several Gina Alexander purse parties, and Chae Organics parties.  With these parties along with our weekly meetings and gatherings, there are countless opportunities for people to invite guests to come and learn both more about our products and about how they can save money and earn cash back + commission from ZamZuu 100% FREE!  These are exciting times in an industry that is growing, and the projections for future success and opportunities are incredible!  So stop by, check out our website and look a head to the many opportunities that are in front of you to grow your business and to help others find the success that they are searching for as well! Join us as we work together to reach or biggest goals!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Saturday Morning Training

Sitting here listening to our weekly training call from Colorado director Alan Horton and the excitement is in the air.  8 of us joined together as a group and community this morning to listen to the training call and to watch our weekly ZamNuuz broadcast.     It is still so amazing that we now have a place that we can join together and learn from each other, and truly discuss how we are going to put into action the things we learn from ZamZuu trainings, and from each other to make our business grow!  Juliet St. John joined us on Alan Horton’s training call this morning….an AMAZING opportunity!  Juliet is the highest paid female in relationship marketing across the board.   Juliet is one of the Super Six in our company, and she took time out of her day to talk with us on this conference call….. That is the heart of the leaders in this company!

                ZamZuu is rolling out an amazing ZKIT which is a kit that holds in it some of our specialty products, samples to show and promote our specialty stores to our customers.  Along with the product samples that are included, they have also included 10 coupons for each of our specialty stores like Gina Alexander, that we can use and give away.  It provides us a means to really start experiencing our specialty products and from the start of our business so that we may have some real life testimonies and experiences with this products that we may share our stories with EVERYONE we meet, and share with them the opportunities that ZamZuu gives them to benefit and change their way of living.  What an amazing sales tool!

                ZamZuu is an amazing and growing business.  Whether its through online shopping or whether its for travel, ZamZuu is a business that truly offers something to EVERYONE…what home business can truly offer something for everyone! 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Why Wall

Why wall

There are so many answers: to buy a house for your family, to send the kids to college, to afford the freedom to travel, to adopt a child, or just to make ends meet. We all have our own reason WHY.  WHY did you join this business?  Why do you dedicate your time to training, and trying to expand your business and make it grow? 

At ZamZuu of the Rockies, we believe in EVERYONE’s why. That is the reason we are asking that everyone bring some sort of picture or symbol or short written description of “WHY” to our grand opening.  Those “WHY’s” are the reason we believe strongly in the success of the center and the ability for each of you to succeed in this business.  As such, we have decided to dedicate an entire wall to displaying these whys, so that anyone who joins the business can, in turn, add their whys to the wall.  So that when we need to be inspired or anyone needs to be inspired, we can look at the wall and be reminded “why” we all do what we do.  During business meetings, trainings, and parties, we can look and see the “whys” and once again be inspired to go out and do, because we are constantly reminded of our reason for doing so. 

We can’t wait to see everyone’s “whys” be put on the Why Wall.  So join us on 1/11/11 in celebrating Coach's Birthday Bash, and bring your “WHY” so that we may continue the process of encouraging one another and learning from each other. Let's share our reasons for doing what we do. This will also give us another opportunity, another way that we can be praying for you and lifting you, your business, and your deepest desire up to God in heaven. So that we may be continually praying for one another’s success and one another’s dreams to come true!  For it is in God that we do all things, and it is in God Whom we owe ALL things too.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Goal Setting

As we look forward to the coming grand opening of the ZamZuu of the Rockies business center we become aware of the need for specific goals both individually as well as a business team for the success of the business center and for our business.  It is with these thoughts and needs in mind that the decision has been made to have a goal setting session! So this Monday at 8pm, less then 24 hours from our grand opening we will sit down and begin setting goals, both short term and long term goals for the center, we will come together and discuss our direction, ideas, and create some goals that we will have to come together as a team to reach,  if we are, and we will, see our goals reached it is so important for us to truly grasp the concept of team, and to then take hold of the over arching concepts of this business, that its not just about helping yourself make money but that it's about gaining the tools and and skills necessary to see not only our dreams come true but to be able to teach others the skills to make their dreams come true as well! That together, we can truly make a difference in the lives of Everyone we meet.  We have a vision for our future and for the future of our family, friends, and business partners we hope that you can catch that vision, and that while they may not line up exactly with your vision for the future that together with God as our guide, we can make OUR dreams come true!  So join us in setting goals, and then in working together to meet those goals.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Can't Wait

This morning I find myself up before the sun, because I am too excited to sleep.  I have the amazing opportunity today to go back to the ZamZuu of the Rockies office.  We will be hanging out, brainstorming ideas, inspiring each other and listening to our weekly training call brought to us by ALAN HORTON!  Every time I listen to a ZamZuu training call I find myself excited and ready to make some money, but I am usually in my car, or on my couch alone and that excitement does not last very long as I find myself stuck not knowing what to do next or where to go from here.  I am excited because today, listening to this training call with some amazing friends I know that if I have any questions, or ideas, or anything else of that nature I will be able to share them after the call.  HOW AWESOME is that?  With the new center, anyone who comes will have a place to brainstorm and share together, building off of the things that already inspire us, providing yet another amazing opportunity to grow both together and grow our business through helping each other!  People of ZamZuu of the Rockies you are AMAZING, and I can't wait to spend the morning with you!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hope in the New Year and so much more!

The dawning of a new year can leave you tired and scared.  All the thoughts of what could happen, what will happen, and where you will be by this time next year. But something that the dawning of the new year always brings is HOPE.  Perhaps it's HOPE that things will be different, or HOPE that things will continue to change for you; for others it might be HOPE that the new year will provide just as many joys as the last year.

Whatever the reason or the motivation behind it, EVERY PERSON I have ever talked to looks at the New Year with HOPE for the future.

I find this year different then previous years. Some might say that's because 2010 was a harder year than those in the past, but I believe it is more than that.  Sure, this past year was hard and had some major struggles in it that we can all HOPE will be different, but there is something more.

As the new year has begun, not only does it bring HOPE for the coming year, but with the Grand Opening of the ZamZuu of the Rockies business center the doors are swinging open on the possibilities, and the opportunities are endless.  We can continue to learn from one another, to help one another, and to inspire one another to grow.  Together we can develop and build our business and inspire our friends, family, and anyone we meet to join the FREE revolution, so that they may do the same!

This year is different because not only do I have the HOPE that usually comes with the new year, but I can actually SEE it happening before my eyes.  I can feel the energy and excitement radiating as I walk into the ZamZuu of the Rockies business center; and for every second I have spent there and will spend there, I find myself inspired by the possibilities and encouraged by the friendship and love that is found there.

God is doing INCREDIBLE things and will continue to do INCREDIBLE things.  I am so thankful for the things that are coming. It FEELS amazing.

And I can't wait for you to FEEL it too!